
Coordinator of Undergraduate Research in the Community, Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education at UCR
B.A. Global Studies, Minor in Religious Studies, 2009
CLP-India Coordinator
Research Scholar, PhD Social Work, Pondicherry Central University

B.A. Studio Art
University of California Riverside, Upper Division Honors Program Advisor, Chapter Advisor for Golden Key (International Honor Society),
Member of Toastmasters International, Big Brother Big Sister program
CLP-India Volunteer and Trustee
MUGHIL Volunteer
Pondicherry Engineering College
Rachel Meeker
M.A., Religious Studies UCR '10

CLP-INDIA Volunteer and Trustee
MUGHIL Volunteer
Pondicherry Engineering College
CLP Legal Board of Directors
University of California, Riverside C/O 2010
B.A. Mathematics
Project Coordinator in India (Summer 09)

With co-coordination by Vaseem Chaudhary and John Paul

Project Coordinator in India (Summer 09)

B.A. Global Studies, UCR '11
Project Coordinator in India (Summer 09)
Sabelo Mhlambi, sabelo@childleaderproject.org
Jessica Yamane, jessica@childleaderproject.org
Genesis Godoy, genesis@childleaderproject.org
CLP-USA: Samantha Wilson, Emily Nudge, Toby Walker, Rachel Meeker, Jessica Yamane, Genesis Godoy Brittney Relerford, Maurine Mikhail, Nicole Regaldo, Maria Isabel Zepeda, Sabelosethu Mhlambi, Candice Mays, Sara Crowder, Ruhie Misra, Cheng Ung, Malcolm McFarland, Gilberto Verdugo, Serkadis Khrom, Francis Gaona, Karla Rodriguez, Patrick Sweeney, Anjali Varigonda, Nalini Andrade
CLP Advising Visionary Board (USA): Wendy Thornton, Claire Lacson, Susan Carpenter, Kathryn Jones, Stephanie Funke-Crary, Kathleen Norman
CLP-USA Partners: Norte Vista High School, Quail Valley Elementary School, Patriot High School, University of California-Riverside Honors Program and Program in Global Studies, International Relations Council of Riverside, Community Foundation of Riverside, Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), Inland Communities Fellowship of Reconciliation, Within Her Strength, Friends Across the Line (FAT-L)
CLP India (Pondicherry and Bangalore): MDS Shiva, Jugal Kishor, Theepan, V. Amala Devi, Bharati Basu.C, Mugilan .V, Ravi Shankar.V. R , Raj Thilak .J ,Prashanth. P ,Mathan. A , Naveen .R ,Hemachandran. B ,Bhuvaneshwaran .M ,Rajesh kumar .P, Srinivasan .K , Gobu E., Karthikeyan, Motcharani, Manohar Raganathan, John Paul, Vaseem Choudary, Maurili, Nikhil Manohar, Aishwarya
CLP-India Partners and Organization Leaders: New Era Child Collective, Baby Sarah's Home Orphanage, Child Helpage in Long Duration, MUGHIL Social Welfare Organization, South Indian Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring-SICHREM (Bangalore)
With Thanks to the Service of Previous USA Board Members:
Justin Elder (January 2009 - June 2009)
Theresa Gilbertson (December 2008-September 2010)
Anjali Varigonda (January 2010-August 2010)
Sydney Craft (February 2009-February 2010)
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